Sunday 10 January 2016

Billy's Bucket

This week we are reading a story called "Billy's Bucket". Billy decides he wants a bucket for his birthday. He tells his parents that they must never, ever, ever borrow his bucket. One day his dad borrows it...with disastrous consequences for the car!

We will be focusing on capacity, 3D shape and written addition in Magic Maths this week.

Our Reception children are continuing their phonics journey and we will be moving into different groups for phonics this week. The children are progressing well and most of them have now learned all of the Phase 2 sounds. They are beginning to use them independently to write their own words and sentences. Our writing about Christmas is now in the corridor for everyone to see.

PE kits need to be in school for this Tuesday for all Reception children.

Please remember that if your child is due to start school in September the deadline for applications is this Friday (15th January).

Next week is our outdoor week. We will take the weather into consideration before we go outside but if it is safe to do so we will be outdoors most of the week. Please make sure your child has suitable clothing in school all week.

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