Sunday 13 March 2016

The Frog Prince

This week we are reading The Frog Prince. This story will help us to concentrate on the features of a traditional tale as well as beginning to look at different signs of spring and life cycles.

We will be starting to make our Easter cards this week ready to send home next Wednesday. We are also going to look at the Easter story and find out why we celebrate Easter. We will be watching the Easter episode of Let's Celebrate on the CBeebies website.

In Magic Maths we will be practising our problem solving skills and looking at time and money.

We will be practising our letter formation and writing skills in lots of different ways too.

Ways to help at home
Talk about the signs of Spring. What happens to the weather? What is happening in the garden? What do the birds do?

Next week...
Wednesday, 23rd March is a busy day in Early Years. As well as being the last day of term, the photographer will be returning to take our group photograph. This will be done during normal sessions. Children must attend in full school uniform. Please be aware that they will have to remove their shoes for the photographs too.
If you missed the individual photographs a couple of weeks ago and you would still like your child to have a photograph taken, please speak to Miss Dews on Wednesday.
We also have an Open Afternoon in Early Years on Wednesday afternoon from 2pm - 3pm. The Easter Raffle will be drawn during this event too. Tickets are still available from Mrs. McGee and prizes are on display in the Blue Room.

We return to school/nursery on Monday, 11th April.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Goldilocks & the Three Bears

This week we are reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It is outdoor week in Early Years so we will be spending most of the week exploring the school grounds. We will be learning about positional language and problem solving in Magic Maths. We will be talking about the features of our environment and using the ipads to take photographs of different places around school.

Please note: the Open Afternoon will be on WEDNESDAY, 23rd MARCH at 2pm (not Thursday 24th March as it stated on the newsletter). School will be closed on Thursday, 24th March for a teacher training day. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Our individual photographs were taken on Wednesday last week. If you would like to order the photograph please make sure the order and payment is back to school by Friday this week. The photographer is returning on Wednesday, 23rd March (both sessions) to take our class photograph. If your child was absent last week and you would like them to have a photograph taken please inform Miss Dews.

Saturday 27 February 2016

The Three Little Pigs

This week we will be reading the story of The Three Little Pigs. The children really enjoyed learning about the Gingerbread Man last week.

We will continue looking at the features of traditional tales. We will be learning about capacity, counting and subtraction in Magic Maths and we will have lots of opportunities for making collage pictures of the three pigs' houses (or other places/objects).

Sunday 21 February 2016


Writing Area
Creative Area
Role Play Area
Small World Area
Refurbished water area

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Spring Term 2

This half term we will be concentrating on Traditional Tales. We will read The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Frog Prince.

Some of us might write our own traditional tales and there will be lots of different opportunities to explore the stories in the Early Years Unit.

I will upload some photographs of the Blue Room later in the week. Some of the Early Years team have been in school this week changing the layout of the classroom. We hope you will like it!

Enjoy the rest of the half term holiday! We're looking forward to seeing you all again on Monday!

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Constructions and Creations

3D shape work using the wooden blocks

This is a "motorbike with a man on it" made by one of the nursery children

Photos from the past couple of weeks

A birthday cake made from a wooden block, Numicon and marbles

We started playing a game of skittles...

...then wrote number sentences to show what happened!

Sunday 24 January 2016

One Snowy Night

This week's story is One Snowy Night by Nick Butterworth.

We will be focusing on pattern in our Magic Maths sessions and we will be practising writing subtraction number sentences, following on from last week.

Don't forget that Reception children need their PE kits in school on Tuesday and reading books in school on Thursday.

Wednesday is non-uniform day. Please remember your 50p!

Thursday 21 January 2016

Kipper's Birthday

This week we're reading Kipper's Birthday by Mick Inkpen. The story has led to a lot of birthday cakes popping up around the Early Years Unit. We have had cakes made from wooden blocks with Numicon and marble candles and even a cake made from stones and sticks in the outdoor area!

We have been working on our subtraction skills this week too. Some of the children have enjoyed playing a game of skittles and using the game to learn to write a subtraction number sentence. We will try to post some pictures of some of these things over the weekend.

Just a quick reminder that Reception children need to have their reading books in school on Thursday each week. We also have a Phonics meeting for Reception parents on a Wednesday at 2.45pm. If you would like to attend please come to the main door.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Billy's Bucket

This week we are reading a story called "Billy's Bucket". Billy decides he wants a bucket for his birthday. He tells his parents that they must never, ever, ever borrow his bucket. One day his dad borrows it...with disastrous consequences for the car!

We will be focusing on capacity, 3D shape and written addition in Magic Maths this week.

Our Reception children are continuing their phonics journey and we will be moving into different groups for phonics this week. The children are progressing well and most of them have now learned all of the Phase 2 sounds. They are beginning to use them independently to write their own words and sentences. Our writing about Christmas is now in the corridor for everyone to see.

PE kits need to be in school for this Tuesday for all Reception children.

Please remember that if your child is due to start school in September the deadline for applications is this Friday (15th January).

Next week is our outdoor week. We will take the weather into consideration before we go outside but if it is safe to do so we will be outdoors most of the week. Please make sure your child has suitable clothing in school all week.

Saturday 2 January 2016

Happy New Year

We return to school and nursery on Monday, 4th January.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who sent Christmas presents for us in the Early Years Unit. It was very kind!

This week in Early Years we are going to read "Kipper's Snowy Day" by Mick Inkpen. It tells the story of Kipper the dog who has a day out in the snow with his friend Tiger. If you would like to help at home this week, you could talk about the weather with your child. What is your favourite weather? Why? Watch the weather forecast on the TV. What do the symbols mean?

Please remember that if your child is due to start school in September you need to apply for their school place via the Durham County Council website before 15th January. You need to do this even if your child is staying at Collierley.

We will still be going outdoors every day this term, as long as it is safe to do so. Please ensure that your child has a warm coat and suitable footwear with them every day. You are welcome to leave Wellington boots in school as long as they are labelled with your child's name.

PE day for Reception children will be Tuesday this term. Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school each week. PE kits can be left on your child's peg for the half term but again, please make sure all items are labelled with your child's name.

We have Clare from Debutots joining us again this term. She will be in each week to tell us a story and then help us to act it out. The children really enjoy these sessions and look forward to Clare's visits every week.

Finally, if you received a new mobile phone for Christmas and your number has changed (or any other contact details) please make sure the office have your new details. You can leave them with a member of the Early Years staff and we will make sure they are passed on.