Sunday 19 April 2015

Week 2: The Gingerbread Man

This week in Early Years we are reading "The Gingerbread Man", retold by Mairi Mackinnon.

Each Key Worker has lots of different activities planned, including testing gingerbread men to see what will happen if they get wet, acting out the story, finding out about healthy and unhealthy foods and visiting the local shops to buy ingredients for their gingerbread men.

Ways to help at home
If you want to help at home this week, you could talk about ways you stay fit and healthy in your house. What sorts of things contribute to a healthy lifestyle?

Photograph orders
The group photo orders were sent home on Wednesday. If you would like to order one of these photographs, please return the order form and money (cash/cheque/details on the order form) by next Wednesday (29th April).

Please make sure Reception children have their PE kit in school every Friday. They need to bring their reading books and homework bags on Thursdays and Forest School restarts on Wednesday this week.

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