Saturday 7 February 2015

Penguin Small & Mr. Wolf's Pancakes

Well, as I didn't manage to update the blog last week I thought it would be worth sharing some of the things we did...
We read Penguin Small by Mick Inkpen. It is the story of the North Pole penguins who are fed up with the polar bears so decide to swim to the South Pole to get away from them. However, Penguin Small is left behind because he can't swim and is terrified of water! He meets a snowman and travels with him on a little iceberg to an island, where they meet lots of creatures, including a Neverwozanoceros... (yes, it was read a total of fifteen times last week to the various groups of children!!!!) Eventually Penguin Small ends up being friends with a whale who encourages him to learn to fly.
We had lots going on in the Early Years Unit last week. The Reception children have been practising their addition skills and learning how to write number sentences. They have also been writing the story of Penguin Small (some of them are in the corridor by the classroom) and talking about the beginning, middle and end of a story. The Nursery children have been doing Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle, Magic Maths (they made a BIG maths mess on Friday morning!) and exploring the new messy area. We have all been looking at patterns too. The children have been really clever and can make some repeating patterns now!

This week we are reading Mr. Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley. Mr. Wolf asks for help to make pancakes but no one will help him. He eventually manages to figure it out for himself and his "friends" want to help him to eat them... However, Mr. Wolf has a much larger meal than he original planned...
We are going to have pancakes for our snack time during the week. The older children will be writing some instructions to help Mr. Wolf make his pancakes. We will be exploring different joining materials in the junk modelling area, making snowflake patterns on the overhead projector with doilies, creating Olaf and Elsa pictures on the easel and playing a game to match the number to the right quantity of spots - among other things!

Please remember that it is our Celebration Assembly on Friday morning at 9.30. Parents and carers are invited to attend. If your child is receiving an award we will let you know on Monday.

Reception parents: please remember that it is normally PE on Fridays (although not this week due to the assembly). Children need to have their PE kits in school.

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