Sunday 18 January 2015

We Are Wearing Out the Naughty Step

Our story this week is "We Are Wearing Out the Naughty Step" by Mick Inkpen. It is about a family who seem to get into trouble a lot and one day Mum has had enough...

We will be using the story to talk about the way we should behave in school/nursery and at home. We will talk about rules and being kind to each other.

We have several challenges around the unit this week. We will be developing our cutting skills again, using the scissors to cut out pictures, shapes and along lines accurately. In Magic Maths we are going to look at patterns so there will be some pattern challenges to do too.

Wish Tree
If you are able to provide baby wipes, boxes of tissues and cheap shaving foam we would be very grateful. Thank you!

Clare from Debutots is in school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings this half term. She will tell us a story each week. If your child normally attends in the afternoon they are still welcome to join us on a Thursday morning from 9.30-10.15am. Please speak to a member of staff for further information or to arrange this.

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