Saturday 1 November 2014

Autumn Term 2nd Half

On Monday we start the second half of the Autumn Term. Our theme for this half term is going to be Winter and Christmas. We will be starting with a week focusing on Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and a week focusing on Bonfire Night.

Just a quick reminder that our Christmas Play is on Wednesday, 10th December at 9.30am and is for ALL NURSERY AND RECEPTION CHILDREN.

Our Christmas Party is on Wednesday, 17th December at 8.45-11.45am and is for ALL NURSERY AND RECEPTION CHILDREN.

Unlike past years, we are not officially closing the Nursery for the afternoon session on these days, but if you would like to take your Nursery child home after these events you are welcome to do so. Reception children will stay all day as normal. The afternoon sessions on both of these days will be fairly relaxed after the excitement and busy-ness of the mornings!!


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