Monday 29 December 2014

Thank you and one or two reminders

Everyone in the EYU would like to say a massive thank you for all the lovely presents we received from many of you for Christmas.

I would like to remind you that if your child is due to start Reception in September 2015 you need to apply for their school place by 15th January. You still need to do this even if you intend sending your child to our school. School admissions are all processed through County Hall, not school. If you need any help with this process, please call in and see us.

We return to school on TUESDAY, 6th JANUARY, 2015.

We wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Christmas Party!

On Wednesday, 17th December, we had our Early Years Christmas party. We were joined by some very special guests. We had a great time with Anna, Elsa and Kristoff! Oh and Santa of course!

Many thanks to EverEverAfter Parties for a fabulous morning!

Christmas Activities

Here are some of the things we were able to do in the Early Years Unit in the week before Christmas...

Counting snowballs & matching them to the correct numeral

Decorating the Christmas Trees

Writing letters to Santa

Turn taking games

Making lists of the items in the stocking

Using "Tux Paint" to make snowmen pictures

Creating play dough snowmen

Sensory tray

Glitter in the sand

Igloo small world

Saturday 22 November 2014

Christmas Play Rehearsals

Our Christmas Play (A Wriggly Nativity) is on Wednesday, 10th December at 9.30am. We are hoping to have a dress rehearsal on Wednesday, 3rd December during the morning session with as many children taking part as possible. We realise that it may not be possible for parents to get their children to Nursery during the morning session on that day due to the fairly short notice/work commitments, etc. but we would appreciate it if as many children as possible could attend for that session. If you have any problems or questions about this, please speak to a member of staff.
Many thanks.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Photos & Christmas Play

Just a quick post to say that the photographer is in school this week for RECEPTION to Year 6 children. They will return in March for the Nursery children (and any Reception who have been missed this time around or who would prefer to wait until then) and group photos.

Our Christmas Play rehearsals are continuing this week and we are doing very well learning our songs. We've even heard one or two parents humming the tunes around the school so we know the songs are making their way home too!! :-) We will send home a copy of the words so that you can help your child learn the songs (and maybe even join in on the day!!).

Saturday 1 November 2014

Autumn Term 2nd Half

On Monday we start the second half of the Autumn Term. Our theme for this half term is going to be Winter and Christmas. We will be starting with a week focusing on Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and a week focusing on Bonfire Night.

Just a quick reminder that our Christmas Play is on Wednesday, 10th December at 9.30am and is for ALL NURSERY AND RECEPTION CHILDREN.

Our Christmas Party is on Wednesday, 17th December at 8.45-11.45am and is for ALL NURSERY AND RECEPTION CHILDREN.

Unlike past years, we are not officially closing the Nursery for the afternoon session on these days, but if you would like to take your Nursery child home after these events you are welcome to do so. Reception children will stay all day as normal. The afternoon sessions on both of these days will be fairly relaxed after the excitement and busy-ness of the mornings!!


Sunday 28 September 2014


It's hard to believe we are about to begin week FIVE of the Autumn Term! Time flies when you're having fun!! : )

The children have all settled in very well. We are all getting used to the new routines and ways of working (staff included!). Forest School has begun for the Reception children. We have started our phonics groups and we are all enjoying lots of new and exciting activities!

Our theme for this half term is Bears. We have read Goldilocks and the Three Bears and We're Going on a Bear Hunt already and this week we are going to read My Friend Bear by Jez Alborough.

We also have some very special visitors in school this week. They are coming all the way from Sri Lanka. The Early Years children have learnt a song called Bobby Shafto to sing for them in the special assembly. A big thank you to Benny Graham for his help learning this song!

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Welcome to our Early Years Unit!

Welcome to our Early Years Unit! The staff have been in school for the past week and a half rearranging the furniture, sorting out all the equipment and drinking lots of tea!! There are still a few bits and pieces to finish off but we thought you might like to see how it looks so far...

Carpet Area in the Blue Room

Construction Area in the Green Room

Creative Area in the Blue Room

Investigation Table & Reading Area in the Green Room

Malleable Area in the Blue Room

Maths Investigation Area in the Green Room

Writing, Reading and Sand Areas in the Green Room

Stage/Performance Area in the Blue Room

Water Area in the Blue Room
I'm looking forward to seeing you all again soon and listening to all your stories about the holidays! Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Miss Dews