Monday 4 May 2015

Week 4: Hansel & Gretel

This week's story is Hansel and Gretel. We will continue looking at the features of traditional tales. We are going to have lots of opportunities to explore different ways to make a picture, counting, mark making and writing. We will have potion making in the outdoor area, reinforcing our learning about capacity. There will also be lots of mark making and writing jobs to do outdoors. Lots of the children have been interested in making maps over the past couple of weeks. We will be using the story to explore this further, looking at different types of maps, following directions and instructions and creating our own maps and plans.

Ways to help at home
Have a look at Google Earth or a similar website. Can you find your house? Can you find the school? What do they look like from above?

One or two parents have asked about missing uniform, particularly cardigans and jumpers. Please would you check your child's uniform in case they have accidentally taken someone else's jumper or cardigan home and please would you make sure uniform is clearly labelled with your child's name. Thank you.

Parent Meetings
Appointment sheets for parent meetings will be up in the Nursery porch next week.